Barbara Fuchs's Latest Posts

In one direction
Artists spend most of their time in a rehearsal space rather than on stage. And only a small part of the material created in rehearsals is integrated in the final performance. This solo performances is a very intimite work in which choreographer and dancer Barbara Fuchs opens her private archive of rehearsal notes and recordings, discarded ideas and failed attempts. She constructs a space of memory oscilliating between different time levels but always pointing in one direction.This review becomes a very personal localization where personal and artistic snapshots and future prospects overlap.
in one direction is the third part of the performance series RESPACE dealing with the relations between space, memory, sound and performance.
The premiere of in one direction took place on 3 February 2017 at Barnes Crossing.
Artistic direction / Performance: Barbara Fuchs
Composition / live electronic: Jörg Ritzenhoff
Artistic assistance: Ursula Nill
Lighting: Garlef Keßler
Stage design: Odile Foehl
Dramaturgical counseling: Henrike Kollmar
PR: Kerstin Rosemann
in one direction is a tanzfuchs PRODUKTION co-produced by BARNES CROSSING – Freiraum für TanzPerformanceKunst.
The production is funded by Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes NRW and Kunststiftung NRW. tanzfuchs PRODUKTION is supported by RheinEnergie Stiftung Kultur.
Press quotes
Mosaik, WDR
Interview with Nicole Strecker, February 2, 2017
[…] Memory in Barbara Fuchs’ current piece turns the process into a course through rooms, a groping through the memory chambers of the brain. “I wanted to do a piece on a biographical space.” For the metaphorical – emotional dimensions of spaces have interested Barbara Fuchs for a long time. In one of her last pieces, for example, together with the composer Jörg Ritzenhoff, she transformed the room into a living creature with a network of cables and loudspeakers like the synapses and cords of a human nervous system in which it twitches, fizzes and hums. […]
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from 08.02.2017
There is no going back from Melanie Suchy
[…] Barbara Fuchs choreographs memory as back and forth movements: One looks at old photographs hanging in the furnished corridor and those she holds in front of a camera eye, so that the live projection also shows the focusing. Once this camera captures the spectators as in a group photo, and one wonders how this will be remembered later. Or how all the digital natives will one day fish pictures out of cloud boxes to tell about grandmothers, dance-loving childhood, stage performances.

Max always wants to kiss
Barbara Fuchs’ choreography plays with the naivety and sensitivity of the two main characters and makes rapprochement a major theme.
Director/Choreography. Barbara Fuchs
Performance: Arthur Schopa, Emily Welther
Set design: Sabine Kreiter
Music: Jörg Ritzenhoff
Dramaturgy: Maren van Severen
Press quotes
I think I’m being smooched by a monkey
[…] There is loud laughter, commentary and giggles […]. The adult companions, […] however, were no less amused. (Christian Bos, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 2016)

I push you – BOING! – and what do you do? You might just be able to keep your balance. Or you simply fall over. Or you bump into the next person with your body – BOING again!!! Three experimental actors discover the connection between cause and effect in a production about bumping into things, falling over and getting back up again. The premiere of “BOING!” took place on 30 January 2016 at the tjg theatre Dresden.
Since 2003, choreographer Barbara Fuchs has been developing productions at the interface between dance, acoustics and visual arts under the label “tanzfuchs PRODUKTION”. In addition to solo choreographies and collaborations with other artists, theatre for the very young has been the third focus of her work since 2009.
Artistic Director: Barbara Fuchs
Direction and Choreography: Barbara Fuchs
Performance: Moritz Stephan, Julian Trostorf, Gregor Wolf
Stage: Grit Dora von Zeschau
Costumes: Grit Dora von Zeschau
Music: Jörg Ritzenhoff
Photo: Klaus Gigga
A production by:
tjg. theatre young generation
Artistic Director Felicitas Loewe
Institution of the State Capital Dresden, Meißner Landstraße 4, 01157 Dresden

Standing in the corner shivering, heat that knocks you over, a bright red head with blue lips, chattering your teeth from the cold or melting away in the shade: Temperatures have an immediate effect on the body and change movements. And there are parallels between temperature and temperament: excited, fast, warm, calm, dark, cold, fleeting and mild. Two performers give themselves over to the elemental phenomena of the ups and downs of temperatures. They run hot and keep a cool head. FrierSchlotterSchwitz will be a test for the ensemble of the JUNGEN STAATSTHEATER. For the first time, the actors will have to rely entirely on their bodies and explore dance as a means of expression. The premiere of “FRIERSCHLOTTERSCHWITZ” took place in 2013 at the Staatstheater Karlsruhe.
Choreography/ Stage/ Costumes: Barbara Fuchs
Schuaspiel/ Dance: Sebastian Reich, Ralf Wegner
Music: Jörg Ritzenhoff
Dramaturgy: Ulrike Stöck
Press quotes:
[…] This is a lot of fun, because getting dressed and undressed is an important topic for small children. Usually it is no fun for them, but as cheerfully and agilely as it is presented here, that can change. The children cheer when the two big stage boys push each other wantonly, jump on each other’s backs, make wide movements or curl up together. In between, they bounce satirising each other and sing hilarious rhymes. […] (Die Rheinpfalz, 25.10.2017)

Out of the house
Ingeborg von Zadow wrote a piece for the very smallest, full of puns and funny rhymes and surprising discoveries.
The premiere of “Out of the house” took place on 14. April 2012 in COMEDIA Theatre Cologne.
Directed by Barbara Fuchs
Dance/Act: Svenja Niekerken, Laura Virgillito
Music: Jörg Ritzenhoff
Stage & Costume Design: Barbara Fuchs
Author: Ingeborg von Zadow
A Production of Comedia Theater Köln in Coproduktion with tanzfuchs PRODUKTION/Barbara Fuchs
Founded by: Land NRW im Rahmen von Workspace
Press Quotes
Pure Pleasure
Ingeborg von Zadows new piece „Out of the house!”, choreographed by Barbara Fuchs and her ensemble shows how cross over dance-theater for children aged 2+ can work – with easiness and enthusiasm
“… That´s really funny and sometimes impressive acrobatic. Both performers reflect the feeling cosmos of two year old children: insecurity and courage, foolishness and cowardice, always aided by the sounds and music of Jörg Ritzenhoff. Definitly a piece for the small audience but also for their grown up companions….” (CHRISTINA GATH, aKT-cologne theatremagazin/May2012)
“…Actually a play with a text, which sounds almost like a song, Barbara Fuchs creates with the music by Jörg Ritzenhoff a own (movement) world. “Can you dance while you are sleeping? Yes, that’s possible, because sleep has no to be a hidden matter. In the Comedia the both actors Inne Svenja Niekerken and Laura Virgillito sleep at least on 46 mattresses and sometimes they rest even as bread slices on each tower high….” (Thomas Linden, Choices-culture in nrw-April2012)