an auditory-performative installation ...

Resonating emotions, soundless metronome, quiet vibrations, remembered abundance, moved space

The team tanzfuchs PRODUKTION, navigates collectively with the audience through an auditive-performative installation in which fictional, abstracted and remembered spaces coincide and collide with each other. Movements and sounds generate the pulse of the space, creating a textured fabric of unstable, dynamic and fluctuating memories.




Artistic direction: Barbara Fuchs

Electroacoustic composition: Jörg Ritzenhoff

Performance: Odile Foehl, Pietro Micci, Ursula Nill, Emily Welther

Choreographie/Space: Ensemble

Lightdesign: Barbara Fuchs, Wolfgang Pütz

Stage: Max Pothmann

PR: Kerstin Rosemann


Funded by: Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und  Sport des Landes NRW, Kunststiftung NRW, RheinEnergieStiftung Kultur

Co-produced by Barnes Crossing – Freiraum für TanzPerformanceKunst

Press quotes

Tanzweb Köln (24.09.2015) Klaus Dilger


[…] In this installative performance the spectator becomes part of the action and is a moving element in the space. Barbara Fuchs is not only a master of minimalism on stage, even her “announcements” carry within them this pleasant degree of clarity, reduction and simultaneous modesty, which is remarkably different from the often loud and empty chatter of many other (dance) performances and the “advertising shells” surrounding them.