FamilyFestival 2023: Workshops, waffles and warm punch! ...

We cordially invite you to the second edition of our FamilyFestival. Together with you – from big to small – we want to experience a whole weekend of dance. On stage, everything revolves around us and nature: the dance and song play “GREEN” is dedicated to people and plants, and the musical dance poetry “Out/foxed” is dedicated to people and foxes. All around you can go on your own search for traces: There will be workshops, waffles and warm punch.


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Children 6 € / performance
Adults 10 € / performance

For groups of 5 or more we charge: Adults 9 € and children 5 €


Saturday 02.12.2023

2 – 5 pm:
Track Lab: Track reading and listening for children

2 pm:
Educational programme on GREEN: Seedlings – dance and movement to join in for everyone aged 3 and up

3 pm:
Contemporary dance workshop:
On quiet and loud paws – ages 6 and up

4 pm:
Out/foxed – About the fox-human-being

A musical dance poetry for humans and foxes from 6 to 99 years old

Droste, Frenkel, Leuthäuser, Turbahn

Out/foxed Trailer


Sunday 03.12.2023 

11 am:
Out/foxed – About the fox-human-being
A musical dance poetry for humans and foxes from 6 to 99 years old

Droste, Frenkel, Leuthäuser, Turbahn

Out/foxed Trailer

12 – 5 pm:
Track Lab: Track reading and listening for children

1 pm:
Contemporary dance workshop:
On quiet and loud paws – ages 6 and up

2 pm:
Educational programme on GREEN: Seedlings – dance and movement to join in for everyone aged 3 and up

4 pm:
A floral dance and song play from 3 to 99 years old

tanzfuchs PRODUKTION

GREEN Trailer

Droste, Frenkel, Leuthäuser, Turbahn

Out/foxed About the fox-human-being

A musical dance poetry for humans and foxes from 6 to 99 years old

2 December 2023 I 4 pm
3 December 2023 I 11 am

Three performers are on the trail of foxes, because they are the success model of the future. They are looking for them and want to become like them. What makes foxes so cunning? So attractive and also mysterious? Can we humans become like them? Can we learn to listen better to urban foxes?

Direction + dramaturgy Gabi dan Droste Performance Ziv Frenkel, Erik Leuthäuser, Julia Keren Turbahn Choreography Ziv Frenkel, Julia Keren Turbahn Composition Erik Leuthäuser Co-costume Marie Gerstenberger Space + Co-costume Nina Krainer Lighting design Vito Walter Assistance Luzy Thüs Production Miriam Glöckler Experts Sophia Kimmig, Michael Schiefel Theatre pedagogical poster Charlotte Bartesch

The development of the piece is based on the research project Stadtfüchse – eine Spurensuche funded by NPN Stepping Out.

tanzfuchs PRODUKTION


A floral dance and song play from 3 to 99 years old

3 December 2023 I 4 pm

What do humans and plants have in common? At first glance we are very different, but if we look more closely, we have a lot in common: we grow, need the sun and are thirsty. Plants and humans both need to breathe. What does the breath of a plant feel and sound like? What is the rhythm of their movements? What does it sound like when plants touch each other? Do they talk to each other? The performers immerse themselves in the cosmos of plants and explore the way they move and unfold as they grow. Composer Jörg Ritzenhoff takes us into the sound world of plants and makes us experience the sounds of their growth.

By + with Arthur Schopa, Miriam Meissner, Odile Foehl Idea + direction Barbara Fuchs Music Jörg Ritzenhoff Lighting design Wolfgang Pütz Stage Inga Sondermann Costume design Stefanie Bold Dramaturgy Vivica Bocks Choreography assistance Maria Plener Production management Anna Boldt Administration Carina Graf, Selina Ehlen Press work Kerstin Rosemann Graphics Beate Freudig Photo documentation Stefan Rogge Video documentation Barbara Schröer


Where ? 

ehrenfeldstudios e.V.
Wissmannstraße 38
50823 Köln
Tel: 0221 – 44907514

FamilyFestival idea and realization:

tanzfuchs PRODUKTION-Team Vivica Bocks, Anna Boldt, Selina Ehlen, Odile Foehl,  Barbara Fuchs, Beate Freudig, Carina Graf, Wolfgang Pütz, Jörg Ritzenhoff, Kerstin Rosemann, Arthur Schopa, Barbara Schröer, Gerd Weidig, Emily Welther.