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Flicked on!
Angeknipst! / Flicked on!
Family play for robots and players by Barbara Fuchs and Jörg Ritzenhoff
A production of the Theater Konstanz
Director / Choreographie Barbara Fuchs / tanzfuchs PRODUKTION
Stage & Music Jörg Ritzenhoff
Stage & Costumes Barbara Fuchs
dramaturgy Hannah Stollmayer
WITH Sarah Siri Lee König, Peter Posniak
Children form intense relationships with their toys and objects at a very early age. What if these objects react, act, learn? What do humans and robots do together on stage? Who learns what from whom?
In this musical-mechanical dance and puppet theater, there’s a lot going on in the box! There is the suction robot that shovels everything on stage into itself and finally wants to be put to use. Just like the Multi-Robot, who can sing and dance and would love to throw a party with lots of children. And the chaotic trash robot, who makes music out of garbage, is also planning his big performance. They rattle and hum and whistle and rock in their packaging and packages, they want to get to all the playful children as quickly as possible – so they simply set off on their own.
These robots reflect to us another side of being human: being silly, clumsy, loving, vulnerable and also incomprehensible. And if it comes to a fight: the robots can simply be switched off – right? A playful and exciting experience for an audience of three years and older and all those who accompany them!
Premiere on November 21, 2021 at the Theater Konstanz
Press commentary:
“Fuchs has great experience with theater for the very young, but also in leading artistic personalities. How she gets König and Posniak on the one hand to adhere to strict movement choreographies as in the “dance” on and with the revolving chairs, or to move through the space together in time to the music without eye contact, and on the other hand allows the player personalities great freedom in playing with the objects, is fascinating. Since she also has a precise sense of timing, everything is simply coherent in this production. In short: dance and object theater at its best for everyone!”
Manfred Jahnke, Die Deutsche Bühne Online, 11/22/2021
“Without speaking, Sarah Siri Lee König and Peter Posniak communicate for almost 45 minutes with each other, with the audience and the rolling equipment, with all senses….
…To this funny, relaxed music, one could watch forever and dream away. No words disturb the idyll, there seems to be no time and no space…
…This is not about tinkered and invented mini robots that do sensible things. No, things simply move other things, and it is precisely this “non-sense” that makes the piece so relaxing.”
Jana Mantel, Südkurier, 11/23/2021