a neural fields study ...

The third and final part of the cycle (GE) – (FÜHL) – (LOS)/ (UN) – (FEEL) – (ING) approaches in a performative and tonal space staging the chaos, disorder, confusion and anomalies.

Intimate voices, simulated systems of order, lack of distance and physical discharges:

DIS_ORDER – a flickering net of acoustic and physical activity.

In DIS_ORDER the ensemble deals with divergent emotional behavior, subjective structures, and perceptual phenomena of introspection and extrospection which creates contrasting and contradictory spaces of intimacy and public. The premiere of DIS_ORDER took place on 17. October 2014.




Artistic direction: Barbara Fuchs
Electroacoustic composition:  Jörg Ritzenhoff
Performance: Odile Foehl, Pietro Micci, Ursula Nill
Technique: Wolfgang Pütz


Funded by: Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und  Sport des Landes NRW, RheinEnergieStiftung Kultur

Press quotes:

Kölner Stadtanzeiger (21.10.2014) Nicole Strecker

Helpless neurons in the wax factory

Choreographers are the “brain” of a production – and Barbara Fuchs has now staged herself and her composer Jörg Ritzenhoff in the Cologne wax factory, symbolically as such. The two of them sit in a corner at a control desk: the control centre for all the evening’s activities. Cable strands lead across the room, at the ends of which the dancers act as if they were cell bodies on nerve cords. Fuchs and Ritzenhoff devote the third part of their triology about the world of feelings of the “Dis_Order”: the disorder in the nervous system. The nervous system is staged here as a sound-movement installation that can never come to rest. Fuchs makes microphone cables dance as if she were dealing with a “cable ballet”, in addition to dancing bodies that weave themselves into inextricable clusters. This is poetic and aggressive, because one and the same movement can mean tender cooperation as well as stressful collapse. In this way, a choreographic fantasy about the incomprehensible connection between neuronal processes and psychological experience is actually achieved. A few nerve fibres twitch – you must be happy.


Kölner Rundschau (23.10.2014) Thomas Linden
Creatively sorting the cable clutter
Barbara Fuchs shows her new production “DIS_ORDER”.

No production has ever shown the dance floor of Barnes Crossing in the Wachsfabrik so naked and purist. Barbara Fuchs staged her new production “Dis-Order” directly on the wood. The large surface with its panels is reminiscent of a computer board, an impression reinforced by several cables that, like neurons, lead to small loudspeakers. The latter, like the cables, are constantly repositioned. The dancers (Odile Foehl, Pietro Micci and Ursula Nill) act according to an order that seems inscrutable from the outside. Electricians or floor layers could also be at work here. While this choreography unwinds in apparent utility, the space is filled with Jörg Ritzenhoff’s electro-acoustic compositions, in which birdsong, coughing or humming intersperse. “Dis_Order” marks the finale of the cycle “(Ge)-(Fühl)-(Los)”, which deals with human affects. After a surprising second production, the third part returns to minimalist austerity. The arrangement of the cables on the large surface is not without humour, and the sparing pas de deux by Pietro Micci and Odile Foehl shows a finely honed choreography of intimacy and distance. Barbara Fuchs could have been more generous with this gift to her audience. A little more emotional interference in the controlled storm of neural structures would have given the production even more substance.