A dance parable for young audiences aged 5 and over

Sat, 22.02.2025 I 16.00 h Sun, 23.02. 2025 I 15.00 h Mon, 24.02.2024 I 10.00 h Kölner Künstler:innen Theater ...

FOXX_TRAILER from tanzfuchs PRODUKTION on Vimeo.

Foxes have many faces: they are cute and cunning predators, shy and curious at the same time. Free like a cat, but also sociable like a dog. They live in the forest as well as in the city, in the ice and in the desert. They move between worlds, adapt and conquer new places. They have many characteristics and many habitats. They sneak and jump, they bark and sing. They are considered clever, sometimes even magical. Never only good or only bad. They are at home everywhere and there are stories and fairy tales about them in all cultures.
The dance parable “FOXX” follows the trail of this versatile animal. Three performers immerse themselves in the world of the fox and test its abilities, movements and characteristics. They jump and move between the European Reineke and the magical nine-tailed Japanese Kitsune, between fairy tales and manga, traditional dances and K-pop. It will be colorful, fairytale-like, shrill and at the same time shy, sensitive and mysterious.

Choreographer Barbara Fuchs follows the tracks of the animal that gave her her surname. Composer Jörg Ritzenhoff creates atmospheric electro-acoustic soundscapes, Arthur Schopa creates a lively video image layer that interacts with the performers and playwright Charlotte Luise Fechner has written a fox parable for the production, which is also reflected vocally in FOXX.


FOXX has been nominated for the Cologne Children’s and Youth Theatre Prize of the SK Stiftung Kultur.

Dance: Moonjoo Kim, Dennis Alexander Schmitz Film performance and singing: Antonia Ritzenhoff Idea and staging: Barbara Fuchs Composition: Jörg Ritzenhoff Film and co-choreography: Arthur Schopa Text: Charlotte Luise Fechner Set design: Odile Foehl, Stefanie Bold, Barbara Fuchs Lighting design: Wolfgang Pütz Dramaturgy: Vivica Bocks Public relations: Kerstin Rosemann Production management and finances: Carina Graf, Selina Ehlen NRW scholarship holder for children’s and youth theater: Diana Treder

Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne, the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
The preliminary research was funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR

Co-production: tanzfuchs PRODUKTION and tanzhaus nrw