GREEN (Adaptation)
In cooperation with Tonhalle Düsseldorf for everybody from 0 – 2 years
Mon, 23.09. 2024 I 10 am & 11.30 am & 2 pm & 4 pm
Tue, 24.09. 2024 I 10 am & 11.30 am & 2 pm & 4 pm
Tonhalle Düsseldorf ...

What do humans and plants have in common? At first glance we are very different, but if we look more closely, we have a lot in common: we grow, need the sun and are thirsty. Plants and humans both need to breathe. What does the breath of a plant feel and sound like? What is the rhythm of their movements? What does it sound like when plants touch each other? Do they talk to each other? The performers immerse themselves in the cosmos of plants and explore the way they move and unfold as they grow. Composer Jörg Ritzenhoff takes us into the sound world of plants and makes us experience the sounds of their growth.

“GREEN” is the first part of the series SPIELRÄUME, which deals with the interweavings of HUMAN-NATURE-ANIMAL-CITY-RURAL AREAS. The focus is on flora and its interrelations with humans. How do we perceive the green world of plants? Where else is “green” to be found? And how intertwined are we in this green world? All these questions resonate when the three performers explore the plant world before the eyes of the audience. Finally, “GREEN” will also be produced green and is dedicated to the topic of sustainability in the work process.


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Children 6 € / performance
Adults 10 € / performance

Requests for day-care groups:

By and with Arthur Schopa, Miriam Meissner, Odile Foehl // Idea and direction Barbara Fuchs // Music Jörg Ritzenhoff // Lighting Wolfgang Pütz // Stage Inga Sondermann // Costume Stefanie Bold // Dramaturgy Vivica Bocks // Choreography assistance Maria Plener // Production management Anna Boldt // Administration Carina Graf, Selina Ehlen // Press work Kerstin Rosemann // Graphics Beate Freudig // Photo documentation Stefan Rogge // Video documentation Barbara Schröer

tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf & consol theatre Gelsenkirchen


Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne, the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.